Sunday, March 1, 2009

St Patricks Day

I read about leprechaun traps in Family Fun magazine. I thought this would be a great way to make St Patricks Day fun & memorable. The idea is that you try to catch a leprechaun so they will show you where their gold is. If you have a good enough trap, he may leave you a few coins as a reward!
We used a small box, colored paper, and pipe cleaners to create our trap. We left lucky charms out as bait. It seems that we did fool the leprechaun but he escaped. But not without being mischievous first! This crazy leprechaun turned our milk green, turned our coffee table upside down, took decorations off the wall, turned pictures upside down and opened every cupboard and drawer in our kitchen!! He left us gold coins at every stop. We could see that he had danced on our upside down coffee table and he had walked on the wall as he escaped our trap because he left footprints.

I used a kitchen sponge cut in a shoe shape and dipped it in flour to make the footprints. With some chocolate coins and green food coloring, the rest was easy.

Of course we had green milk and clover shaped french toast and sandwiches. With dinner I made 'ice cream cones' using mashed potatoes instead of ice cream. My daughters face was priceless as she took her first bite of her white ice cream with sprinkles!!

Next year, we will make an even better trap and hope that sneaky leprechaun cannot escape because I could really use some gold!

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